Midnight at Cargo Bay- Storage Essentials

Happy Friday, everybody.


The Midnight overproject represents a return to my roots: sci-fi stuff. My original vision was much like Modular Furniture Series 4. The difference is that whereas MFS4 was utopian and clean-ish, Midnight is more gritty, for creating sinister, dystopian sets. The objects are made from scratch by me, and thoroughly tested.

This is a big set. It’s basically a re-imagining of Cargo Bay Series 4, but with newer Midnight assets. This is set is a two-parter. Storage Essentials contains the basic shelving units, as well as the closed version of all the cargo modules, some service vehicles to move the cargo around, and a few other goodies. The second part will contain the open version of the cargo modules, and will be published at a future date.

The file includes:

Build Mode: Two giant, deco cargo bay doors.

Cargo Modules: A set of deco objects in various sizes and shapes. Most of the objects have one or two deco slots coded into them, so that you can stack one on top on the other.

Cinematic Tools: A posebox and an SMSP, for poses ‘n shit.

Service Vehicles: A set of vehicles with their own deco and posing slots. You can put your Sims in them for posing and add the cargo modules in the deco slots.

Shelving: Stackable, modular shelving for storing all your cargo modules.

Recolors:  Three cargo bay recolors for the door glass.

And of course a collection file.

I’ve included the master objects for the base and monitor textures in a separate folder. You don’t need them if you already have Midnight at the Cryo Lab and Midnight at the Crew Quarters installed.


H. Gibbens and Raul Momoru at The STMC for the Workbee models.

GameFont Archiver for the heavy cargo pod model.

SolCommand for the cargo crane model

The Objects- Build Mode

Cargo Bay Door

Catalog: Deco/Misc §3250

Function: Special

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base, door

Egghead stuff: The door is basically a two-sided mesh designed to fit into a 9-tile, 2-story gap in a wall. The open door is coded with special effects, so that a barrier or force field can be put up (see Effects for examples).

The Objects- Cargo Modules

Cargo Modules

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §255-1265

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium to high

Recolorable subsets: base and indicators (Module 1, Module 5, and Module 14), base and lid/color bands (Module 2, Module 3, Module 4, Module 6, Module 7, Module 9, Module 12, and Module 13), base only (Module 8, Module 10, and Module 11)

Egghead stuff: Most of the modules have a slot on the lid, so that they can be stacked on top of other modules. The long modules (Module 1- Long, Module 9, Module 10-Long, and Module 11) have two slots on the lid/top of the container. The exceptions are Module 3 and Module 4; due to the smaller lids, I made them top-load only.

The Objects- Cinematic Tools

Pose and Overlay Box and SMSP

Catalog: Hobbies/Misc §5

Function: Posebox and SMSP for posing

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: main

Egghead stuff: The posebox has a combination of custom poses for the objects in this set, standing idles and some face overlays.

The SMSP has a built-in invisible recolor and allows you to stack up to six Sims and a deco object on the same tile. You can use it to place Sims on the same tile as objects, or move the vehicle objects up off the floor.

The Objects- Service Vehicles


Catalog: Electronics/Misc §9138

Function: Special

Polys: Like, insanely high, yo. North of 20k. Don’t use it if you have a slower system.

Recolorable subsets: base, metal

Egghead stuff: The vehicle has several unique features.

It contains one posing slot (for holding Sims) and one deco slot (for holding cargo pods between the manipulators). Some of the larger pods might clip into the manipulators and/or might not look quite right.

The slots are kind of fiddly. You have to use the move_objects on cheat to enable them.

You can activate the running lights and change their color, or deactivate them, with the menu option hardcoded into the vehicle.

Cargo Crane

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §10964

Function: Special

Polys: Very, very high (11k).

Recolorable subsets: base, metal

Egghead stuff: The vehicle has several unique features.

It contains one posing slot (for holding Sims) and one deco slot (for holding cargo pods between the clamps). Some of the smaller modules might look a bit undersized for the crane.

The slots are kind of fiddly. You have to use the move_objects on cheat to enable them.

You can activate the running lights and/or thrusters and change their color, or deactivate them, with the menu option hardcoded into the vehicle.

Heavy Cargo Pod

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §18613

Function: Special

Polys: Very, very high (9k).

Recolorable subsets: base, metal

Egghead stuff: The vehicle has several unique features.

It contains one posing slot (for holding Sims) and two deco slots (for holding the longer cargo pods between the forks).

The slots are kind of fiddly. You have to use the move_objects on cheat to enable them.

Because Module 9 isn’t a perfect fit for the regular slot, I made a second slot that allows the module to rest right on top of the forks. To use the second slot, place something in the first deco slot, then add Module 9 in the second slot, then delete the object in the firt slot.

You can activate the running lights and change their color, or deactivate them, with the menu option hardcoded into the vehicle.

The Objects- Shelving


Catalog: Surfaces/shelving §125/section

Function: Surfaces

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base (shelves and ladders, base and monitor (inventory logger)

Egghead stuff: The shelves are regular surfaces with deco slots. The two-stage shelves have three slots in each section, and the one-stage slots have two. They’re completely modular, for build-to-suit cargo bays. The ladders and inventory logger are place-anywhere deco objects that can be plopped right up against the shelves.


New cargo bay recolors for the door glass!

Special Effects

Here are the special effects for each of the objects.


Here’s a reference of the poses. They’re intended to be used with the vehicles and shelving above.


Just a bunch of techs, working hard in the cargo bay.

Get it here:

Download from Sim File Share

Midnight at the Cargo Bay- Storage Essentials

Download from Mega

Midnight at the Cargo Bay- Storage Essentials

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