Midnight at Central Command

Happy Friday, All.

As I write this, it’s just a little over a year since I released Midnight at the Cryo Lab, the most awesome sci-fi content ever created for The Sims 2. I’ve since expanded on the set, posting cool expansions both here and at BHSA, and really locking down a seamless set of both direct Maxis replacements and original storytelling props, for whatever your play style is.

This is my 27th Midnight at… project, and possibly the best yet. It has 78 spankin’ new objects for setting up your very own command center, starship bridge, or secret base.


The Midnight overproject represents a return to my roots: sci-fi stuff. I won’t make any promises I can’t keep, but I’m feeling inspired, and the first project is a good solid framework for the next few (probably much smaller) installments. My original vision was much like Modular Furniture Series 4. I wanted to build a whole set of objects, walls and floors, and build mode elements that blend seamlessly with each other. The difference is that whereas MFS4 was utopian and clean-ish, Midnight is more gritty, for creating sinister, dystopian sets. The objects are made from scratch by me, and thoroughly tested. The file includes:

Build Set: a door (plus coordinated diagonal object), a sweeping double staircase, two deco corner masks, and a new railing (the rail matches the original colors and both recolor packs).

Commander’s Office: Two styles of desk, a computer, a desk chair, a living chair, a sofa, an end table, and a coffee table.

Conference Room:  Five big tables, a chair, three display cases, and a skilling object.

Freestanding: A set of freestanding consoles. Includes two tables, two skilling objects, and a storytelling prop.

Holograms: A set of six deco objects intended to be used with the consoles.

Pillar Stations: Two skilling objects,  seven deco objects, and two floor lamps. For building pillars.

Seating: Two command chairs and two duty station chairs

Side Consoles: Two unique wall lamps and six tables

Standing Consoles: A set of six skilling consoles.

Wall Panels: A set of six unique deco wall panels intended to be used with the side consoles.

Recolors: Nine new recolors for the basic door glass.

The set also includes an invisible computer (for use with the side consoles), a posebox, and a handy collection file for finding everything.


First and foremost to Coni, dear friend, excellent listener, and willing alpha tester.

Archive 3D  for the models for both desks, the desk chair, the conference chair,  the living chair, the sofa, and the end table/ coffee table.

Chainsaw_NL at Trek Meshes for the Intrepid-style command chair and duty station chair, and the smaller main viewer.

The Objects- Build Set

Commander’s Office Door

Catalog: Build mode/Door. §768.

Function: Door

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base, glass

Egghead stuff: It works like a regular door. It has a coordinated diagonal object.

Corner Pieces

Catalog: Electronics/Misc. §101

Function: Deco

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base, panel

Egghead stuff: 1-tile deco objects. Designed to mask corners and interlock with regular wall panels.

Double Staircase

Catalog: Build mode/ Stairs §1794

Function: Stairs

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: No major functional changes. Works like Maxis sweeping staircases.

Command Center Railing

Catalog: Build mode/ Fence §40/ section

Function: Fence

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: N/A (fence)

Egghead stuff: Basic fence functionality. The edge smoother can be walked over. They’re slaved to the base texture recolors.

The Objects- Commander’s Office


Catalog: Electronics/Misc §649

Function: Table

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: They work like regular 3-tile tables.

Commander’s Computer

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §1368

Function: Computer

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base, monitor

Egghead stuff: It works like the Maxis computer.


Catalog: Electronics/Misc §485-518

Function: Seating

Polys: Very high

Recolorable subsets: Base, cushion

Egghead stuff: They work like regular seating.


Catalog: Electronics/Misc §135-185

Function: Table

Polys: Very high

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: Both tables include an extra slot for the bottom surface.

The Objects- Conference Room

Conference Tables

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §891-1274

Function: Tables

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: These are big, 4- and 6-tile tables. The oblong table and curved table pieces are intended to be stacked together.

Conference Room Chair and Briefing Console

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §512-1006

Function: Seating/ Special

Polys: Very high

Recolorable subsets: Base and cushion (chair), base and monitor (console)

Egghead stuff: The chair functions like a Maxis dining chair. The console is a special skilling object. The Sim can gain charisma points by debriefing the crew.

Display Cases

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §100-300

Function: Special

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base, light

Egghead stuff: Each tile has two slots for holding small deco objects.

The Objects- Cryo Chambers

Giant Holographic Display

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §787

Function: Lighting

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, light

Egghead stuff: The object works like a Maxis floor light. It’s designed to be used with either of the giant deco holograms.

Main Viewer Type I

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §2009

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, screen

Egghead stuff: It’s a giant, 7-tile deco object.

Main Viewer Type II

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §1889

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base and screen (display), base and light (backplate)

Egghead stuff: The backplate is a big 5-tile deco object. The display is a place-anywhere deco object designed to be placed in front of the backplate.

The Objects- Freestanding Consoles

Master Command Console

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §1508

Function: Special

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base,

Egghead stuff: A special posing object. It has a built-in slot for the deco hologram.

Tactical Control Console and Traffic Control Console

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §537-988

Function: Special

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, light

Egghead stuff: Both consoles work as skilling consoles (logic/mechanical). The traffic control console has an activatable/ changeable starmap texture.

Single Control Console and Dual Control Console

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §150-317

Function: Surface

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, light

Egghead stuff: The consoles work like regular Maxis tables. They’re designed to be used with the invisible computer (included).

The Objects- Holograms


Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §141-150

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: beam, body

Egghead stuff: A set of deco objects designed to be placed over the hologram projector and consoles. Both subsets have an animated texture (the cylinder and sphere rotate slowly and the beam projects).

The Objects- Pillar Stations


Pillar Stations

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §327-627

Function: Deco, special

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, light

Egghead stuff: The consoles are skilling consoles (logic/mechanical). They’re designed to be used either alone, stacked back-to-back, or stacked against the deco half-column. In order to get the 1-tile half-columns to line up with the full deco column, you’ll need to use the cheat setQuarterTilePlacement on or boolprop snapObjectsToGrid false. The mesh is designed so that it can be stacked seamlessly from one floor to the next.

Pillar Lamps

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §148

Function: Lighting

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, light

Egghead stuff: They work like Maxis floor lamps. The mesh is designed so that it can be stacked seamlessly from one floor to the next.

The Objects- Seating

Pillar Lamps

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §151-598

Function: Seating

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, cushion

Egghead stuff: The duty station chairs work like regular Maxis dining chairs. The command chairs work like Maxis living chairs.

The Objects- Side Consoles


Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §100-300

Function: Lighting

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base, light

Egghead stuff: They work like Maxis wall lights.

Side Consoles

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §318-962

Function: Surfaces

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, panel

Egghead stuff: They work like Maxis tables and are designed to be used with the invisible computer (included). The header fits in the notched bit. They’re designed to go up against a wall. The side consoles have the “Master” panel textures for the entire set.

The Objects- Standing Consoles

Standing Consoles

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §318-962

Function: Special

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, panel

Egghead stuff: These are skilling consoles (mechanical/logic). The header fits in the notched bit. They’re designed to go up against a wall.

The Objects- Wall Panels

Standing Consoles

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §318-962

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, panel

Egghead stuff: These are deco objects designed to be used in conjunction with the side/standing consoles. The header fits in the notched bit. They’re designed to go up against a wall.

The Objects- Posebox


Catalog: Hobbies/ Misc §1

Function: Special

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: Special

Egghead stuff: A few new poses for use with the consoles.


New glass recolors included with this set.


A reference of the poses that come with this set. (Note: to use the standing console pose with the column console objects, you may have to use setQuarterTilePlacement on or boolprop SnapObjectsToGrid true.


Command Division is hard at work managing the day-to-day operations of the station.

The file is so massive I had to break it up into two parts.

Download from Sim File Share

Midnight at Central Command- Part 1

Midnight at Central Command- Part 2

Download from Mega

Midnight at Central Command- Part 1

Midnight at Central Command- Part 2

8 thoughts on “Midnight at Central Command

  1. Hi, Xia! This set was wicked hard to make, but I was really happy with all of the new objects. For this set I wanted to create some truly unique consoles that stood out from my previous work. And the chairs are probably my absolute favorites from the entire series up to this point.


  2. Thank you so much for this set! I love the pillar stations and the freestanding traffic control console – so very scifi! And all the new chair designs and the glass tables! I'm just gaga right now!


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