Midnight at the Brig

Happy not-Friday, everybody.


The Midnight overproject represents a return to my roots: sci-fi stuff. My original vision was much like Modular Furniture Series 4. The difference is that whereas MFS4 was utopian and clean-ish, Midnight is more gritty, for creating sinister, dystopian sets. The objects are made from scratch by me, and thoroughly tested.

This is a new, medium-sized set for Security Division. It includes everything you need for building a brig or prison, some deco/clutter objects, Decorgal-style posing props, and functional consoles.

The file includes:

Build Set:  17 objects. Two cell door markers, five different styles of cell doors in two styles, two sofas, two wall lights, and a deco wall panel.

Cinematic Tools: 11 Objects. Accessory versions of five security tools (for right or left hand) and a posebox.

Equipment: 8 objects. A desk, a chair, two working consoles, a storytelling object with special effects, a cart, and a trash bin.

Tools: 7 objects. Five deco/clutter tool objects and a functioning flashlight (with handheld accessory version).

And of course a collection file.

I’ve included the master objects for the base, cushion and case materials in a separate folder (so that you don’t get the flashing blue in game), along with the invisible computer needed for the desk.


First and foremost, Coni, for inspiration, help in testing, and support when I need it.

Nightshift 3D for some of the meshes I used here.

Decorgal for the original work on the Custom Prop Hack.

The Objects- Build Set

Cell Door Markers

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §605-805

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: These are basic 3- and 5-tile objects, intended to be used to mark the front edge of the cell. Once placed inside this barrier, the Sim cannot pass through it.

Cell Doors

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §995-1195

Function: Special

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: These are a set of place-anywhere objects, designed to be stacked on he same tile as the cell door marker, and coded with 10 different special effects that the Sim can activate in-game.

Chair and Sofas

Catalog: Seating/Chair and Seating/Sofa §534-934

Function: Seating

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, cushion

Egghead stuff: Nothing special. They work like a Mais dining chair, loveseat, and sofa.

Wall Panels

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §50

Function: Lighting, deco

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base, monitor

Egghead stuff: The basic and corner panels are functional wall lights. The wall panel is a place-anywhere deco object designed to be stacked against the panels.

The Objects- Equipment

Security Desk

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §1894

Function: Surface

Polys: Very high

Recolorable subsets: Base, monitors

Egghead stuff: It works like a Maxis desk, but has a horseshoe-shaped footprint. Designed to be used with the invisible computer (included).

Biometric Security Console and Contraband Bin

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §329-1227

Function: Special

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: Base, monitor

Egghead stuff: The contraband bin works like a Maxis trash can. The console can be used to gain Logic or Mechaincal.

Full-Body Omni-Scanner

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §2314-5134

Function: Special

Polys: Very high

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: The scanner is a storytelling prop. The beam is coded with eight special effects that can be enabled by the Sim in-game. The base has one posing slot and five deco slots at different heights (for placing the beam in different positions). You can cycle through the slots using the “M” key.

To use the scanner:

1. Enter “move_objects on”

2. Stack the Sims and beam onto the platform (cycle through the beam positions with the “M” key). Activate the beam, if desired.

3. Pose the sim.

Large Security Console

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §1561

Function: Special

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: Base, monitor

Egghead stuff: Functional console. The console can be used to gain Logic or Mechaincal.

Security Cart

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §1065

Function: Surface

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: A cart for holding deco objects. It has nine deco slots on the surface.

The Objects- Tools


Catalog: Electronics/Misc §234-618

Function: Deco, lighting

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: Base and monitor (Datapads and scanner), Case and base (stunner), Case and inner (detector), Case (flashlight)

Egghead stuff: The datapads, scanner, detector, and stunner are deco clutter. The flashlight can be placed on the floor or any surface and functions as a light. It can also spawn a holdable version in the Him’s hand.

The Objects- Cinematic Tools


Catalog: Hobbies/Misc §1

Function: Posebox

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: main

Egghead stuff: The posebox has a combination of custom poses for the objects in this set and some face overlays. It can add Decorgal-style (recolorable) security equipment accessories to your Sim’s hands. I wrote the overlay BHAVS for ease of use; just one click adds the accessory and adds the pose overlay, and just one click removes the accessory and the pose overlay.


The set includes three door glass recolors.

Poses, Props and Overlays

Here’s a reference of the poses , props, and overlays. The accessories below are Decorgal-style (i.e. recolorable). I wrote the BHAVs for ease of use. One click adds the accessory and the pose overlay, and one click removes both. The accessories are slaved to the deco objects above.


Some reference pics of the effects that can be applied to the cell doors and omni-scanner beam.


A day in the life of a security officer includes watching the brig. (Note: not all of the objects pictured are included in this specific set).

Get it here:

Download from Sim File Share

Midnight at the Brig

Download from Mega

Midnight at the Brig

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